Thursday, November 5, 2009

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Expat Bloggers in Indonesia

The Dutch began to colonize Indonesia in the early 17th century; Japan occupied the islands from 1942 to 1945. Indonesia declared its independence after Japan's surrender, but it required four years of intermittent negotiations, recurring hostilities, and UN mediation before the Netherlands agreed to transfer sovereignty in 1949. Indonesia's first free parliamentary election after decades of repressive rule took place in 1999. Indonesia is now the world's third-largest democracy, the world's largest archipelagic state, and home to the world's largest Muslim population. Current issues include: alleviating poverty, improving education, preventing terrorism, consolidating democracy after four decades of authoritarianism, implementing economic and financial reforms, stemming corruption, holding the military and police accountable for past human rights violations, addressing climate change, and controlling avian influenza. In 2005, Indonesia reached a historic peace agreement with armed separatists in Aceh, which led to democratic elections in December 2006. Indonesia continues to face a low intensity separatist movement in Papua.

We have tracked down the most popular and highest quality expat bloggers in Indonesia. The most recent articles from these bloggers are aggregated below.

Featured BloggersLatest Articles   Click here to reload list

A Beautiful Chaos
Always Look on the Bali Side of Life
Bali Hotel Bali Travel Reviews
Bali Living
Borborigmus in Bali
Confessions of a So-called Expat Wife
Cooking Etcetera
Duck Talk
Family Life in Jakarta
I Don't Wash My Hair
Jak Snaps
Journals of a Hotel Manager
News and rambles from Nusa Lembongan
Spruiked: Jakarta Style
Stuart's travelblog
The Colors of Indonesia
The Milk Bar
The Wealth Manager
Things to do in Indonesia for Kids

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