Expats are often as diverse as the countries in which they choose to live, work or play. As such, some expats relocate for short term assignments and then return home. Others may decide to move to another foreign country or may even 'plant their roots' permanently.
This means that the Global Expat Blog Ring may at times have links or aggregations of blogs that may become either out-of-date or inaccurate. At the time of adding any new blog to the Ring, we will first check the site for accuracy.
This page is designed especially for anyone who recognizes a mistake in content - that is for example, if an expat blogger is no longer located in a particular country, have stopped blogging permanently or have moved or renamed their blog. If you notice any of these mistakes, please advise us immediately by using the form below.
Furthermore, we do not allow any 'adult content' into the Global Expat Blog Ring. So if you find anything offensive or any content that you think should carry anything greater than a PG-16 audience rating, please advise us by submitting it in this form.
NB: We need your help to keep the Global Expat Blog Ring 'sleek and accurate' and free of offensive material. Please be sure to use this page to report any issues / errors / problems the moment you discover them.
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