So what we’ve done is created a site that is dedicated specifically to aggregating only the highest quality expat blogs, and we’re doing it on a global scale.
The Global Expat Blog Ring is targeted at anyone who is contemplating relocating to another country, or is already residing somewhere other than their home country and wants advice or assistance from (or just wants to connect with) like-minded people.
As the site grows, more regions and more countries will be added to the Global Expat Blog Ring. We are frantically and diligently crawling the web to find the Expat Blog ‘Stars’.
To begin, simply click on a region from the menu above, and you will be provide a list of all the countries within that region currently in the Blog Ring, along with how many expat bloggers we have featured in those countries. Select a country, and “bingo”, you will be provided with direct links to all the featured expat bloggers and their latest aggregated articles, sharing a wealth of otherwise untapped information.
If you know of an expat blog that is not currently listed but is more than worthy, please feel free to use the Blog Ring Tools on the right of the page to ‘suggest a blog’ for addition.
As countries and regions are added to the Global Expat Blog Ring, we will be publishing new articles to advise all of our readers and subscribers, so be sure to bookmark us, or subscribe to our feeds and/or emails.
Welcome to the Global Expat Blog Ring – Globalization really is a wonderful thing.